How your pet can help you get out of bed on difficult mornings + other tips

How your pet can help you get out of bed on difficult mornings + other tips

If you find that the motivation to get out of bed is becoming more difficult as we continue to self-isolate, you are not alone. Our structured routines have been thrown for a loop and maybe you’re feeling a bit lost. During this uncertain time - we've partnered with BetterHelp to offer free virtual therapy sessions to help manage your emotional well-being. We've also compiled this quick list of 5 strategies to help you find the motivation to get out of bed and start your day positively:

1. Cuddle with your pet for 10 minutes in the morning

Facing the day can be accompanied by feelings of depression and anxiety. Cuddling stimulates the release dopamine and serotonin, which help relieve depression and may make you feel happier. The act of holding and stroking your pet is also an effective way to combat anxiety. It creates a calming effect and can help you feel motivated to start your day

2. Make yourself accountable for something

Schedule something in the morning that holds you accountable for being present. Whether it’s scheduling a call with a friend or doing a facetime workout session together, creating appointments with others ensures you’re more likely to follow through and gives you something to look forward to!

3. Break larger projects into smaller, attainable goals

If your to-do list seems overwhelming and huge – break each task into micro pieces and track progress. All bits of progress is an accomplishment! Shifting your mindset and realizing not everything needs to be accomplished in one day can help alleviate those feelings of stress and make tackling the day more inviting.

4. Incorporate self-care and relaxation into your plan for the day

Focusing solely on your to-do list can make your day seem a bit off putting. Schedule time to do something you love and can look forward to. Try this massage and meditation with your pet from animal behaviorist, Dr. Jill to help

5. Speak to someone

When you are feeling fear, depression or anxiety, the amygdala part of the brain is turned on. It helps handle your fight or flight response but when you get stressed or overwhelmed, the amygdala can take control and override more logical thought processes.

Putting your feelings into words can diminish the response of amygdala when you encounter things that are upsetting. Many studies have shown that talk therapy has a positive impact on one’s health and immune system. During this difficult time, we are offering free virtual therapy sessions from licensed professionals at BetterHelp to help manage your well-being.

Click here if you are seeking help or need an ear to listen. We are offering free virtual therapy sessions from licensed professionals at BetterHelp. Photo by @orbidoodle

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