When do Puppies Lose their Teeth?

A grey dog is jumping out of an Open Farm Box.
Watching a puppy grow is one of the most rewarding parts of pet ownership. From their tiny paws to their playful energy, it’s a joy to see them change and develop. But one question many pet owners ask is: when do puppies lose their teeth? The answer depends on several factors, including breed, size, and genetics. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of puppy teeth and the importance of foods in their diet.

The Teething Timeline

  • When do puppies lose their milk teeth? Puppies are born without teeth, but their milk teeth, also known as deciduous teeth, start to come in at about three weeks of age. By the time they are six to eight weeks old, they should have a full set of 28 milk teeth.

  • When does a puppy lose its teeth? The process of losing milk teeth and getting adult teeth begins around three to four months of age. By six to eight months, most puppies will have lost all their milk teeth and have a full set of 42 adult teeth.

  • When do puppies get adult teeth? The adult teeth start to come in as the milk teeth fall out. This process can be uncomfortable for puppies, leading to increased chewing and sometimes even a bit of crankiness.

  • Do Puppies Lose Their Canines and Fang Teeth? Yes, puppies lose their canines, or  fang teeth, just like their other teeth. The canines, or fang teeth, are usually among the last to fall out, typically around five to six months of age. These teeth are replaced by stronger, permanent canines that will serve them throughout their adult life.

Diet and Health During Teething

Teething can be a challenging time for puppies, and their diet plays a crucial role in supporting their overall health. High quality foods, which provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition, are essential during this period.

  • High-Quality Proteins: Puppies need protein-rich diets to support their rapid growth and development. Look for foods with meat or fish as the primary ingredient.
  • Calcium and Phosphorus: These minerals are vital for developing strong teeth and bones. Ensure your puppy’s food contains adequate levels of both.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids: These essential fatty acids support healthy skin and coat, which can be particularly important as puppies grow and their bodies change.

Coat Health

A puppy’s coat is a reflection of their overall health. During the teething phase, it’s important to maintain a diet that supports a shiny, healthy coat.

  • Hydration: Wet food can help keep your puppy hydrated, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy coat. Puppies often don’t drink enough water, so incorporating wet food into their diet can be beneficial.

Stomach Issues

Teething can sometimes lead to stomach issues, as puppies may swallow loose teeth or chew on inappropriate objects. Healthy foods designed for digestive health can help mitigate these problems.

  • Prebiotics and Probiotics: These ingredients support a healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for proper digestion. Prebiotics feed the good bacteria in the gut, while probiotics add beneficial bacteria to the digestive system.
  • Easily Digestible Ingredients: Look for foods with high-quality proteins and limited ingredients to reduce the risk of stomach upset.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

As puppies grow, it’s important to monitor their weight to ensure they are developing properly. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, while underfeeding can result in malnutrition.

  • Portion Control: Follow the feeding guidelines on your puppy’s food packaging and adjust based on their activity level and growth.

Final Thoughts

So, do puppies lose teeth? Absolutely! Understanding when puppies lose their teeth and how to support them through this process is crucial for their overall health and well-being. By providing a diet rich in nutritious foods, you can help ensure your puppy grows into a healthy, happy adult dog.

Remember, teething is just one part of your puppy’s development. By focusing on their diet and overall health,  you’re setting them up for a lifetime of wellness. Enjoy every moment of this journey, from the first puppy teeth falling out to the day they proudly show off their full set of adult teeth. And always keep an eye on their diet to ensure they’re getting the nutrients they need to thrive.

This article is meant only as an example of what might work well for your pet, please reach out to our Pet Parent Experience Team if you have any questions about your pet’s own unique circumstances! To ensure these products are a good fit for your furry friend, we also recommend consulting your vet about any new diet, or environment changes, especially if there is a medical concern. They should be able to help as you and your vet know your pet’s medical history best!
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